To the Editor:
By now most residents have heard the discussion around town about a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for the Town of Milton. The Department Heads have worked diligently since early summer researching, meeting, and educating ourselves and others on the particulars of capital improvement plans. Over the course of the last few months the Department Heads have held community forums to share their vision of Milton's future with interested residents. The positive feedback has been astounding and only reinforces our belief that a CIP is needed and right for the Town of Milton.
A CIP is a "road map" for the town's future large capital expenditures. Capital projects are defined as large expense items that have a useful life over several years. For example, vehicle purchases, road, bridge, technological or building improvements, and or construction in addition to many other items.
For Milton to create a successful CIP a warrant article must be approved Tuesday, March 10, authorizing the creation of a CIP in accordance with New Hampshire RSA 674:5. Additionally two warrant articles will be on the ballot to rescind the previously established CIP from 2004, due to improper wording on the warrant article that year. The March vote will authorize the creation of a new CIP and appoint the planning board to oversee the plan. The planning board will present the new CIP to the voters in March of 2016 for their approval and annual funding.
During the community forums many residents had ideas on what should be in a CIP and how it should be funded. The March vote will not determine the funding source or the contents of the plan; the vote will only authorize the planning board to create the document. Once the Planning Board begins working on the CIP residents will have plenty of opportunity to have input in the plan by attending planning board meetings.
Now that voting day is around the corner the time to ask questions is now. If anybody has any questions please do not hesitate to contact any Town of Milton Department Head or a member of the Board of Selectman. Questions can also be presented at the Town's annual deliberative session on Saturday Feb. 7, at 1 p.m. at the Nute High School Cafeteria.
- Richard Krauss
Milton Chief of Police
- Nicholas Marique
Milton Fire Chief
- Pat Smith
Milton Director of Public Works
- Kathy Wallingford
Milton Assessing Director
- Karen Brown
Milton Parks & Recreation Director
- Michelle Beauchamp
Milton Town Clerk/Tax Collector
- Rachael Cote
Milton Welfare Director
- Brian Boyers
Code Enforcement Director
-Betsy Baker
Milton Public Library Director