Let's celebrate Sunshine Week together at an event in Nashua about how to obtain public records from your government.
Join us Thursday, March 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. for a public event at the Hunt Memorial Building at 6 Main St. in Nashua where experts on the state's public records law will detail how to get them using the state's right-to-know law, RSA 91a, and the state Constitution.
If you are experiencing difficulty getting public records, advocates will be available from 6 to 7 p.m. to discuss your case one-on-one with you. Please email RightToKnowNH@gmail.com or nwest@indepthNH.org to set up an appointment, or just show up.
At 7 p.m., David Saad, president of Right to Know NH (RightToKnowNH.wordpress.com) will present an easy-to-understand guide showing how to obtain public records and exercise your right to know. A similar event will be held in the North Country later this year.
Then, First Amendment Attorney Rick Gagliuso will share his experiences fighting for public records for a variety of news outlets since the 1980s. A panel of news reporters, editors and citizens, including Chris Garofolo from the Telegraph of Nashua, and Nancy West from InDepthNH.org, will also be on hand.
We expect a robust Q. and A. session and plan to have light refreshments available. High school and college students are encouraged to attend this highly informative evening.
As Justice Louis Brandeis said, "Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman."
The evening is sponsored by InDepthNH.org, The Telegraph of Nashua and the New England First Amendment Coalition. Sunshine Week was established in 2005 with funding from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The intent of Sunshine Week is to inform the public about the importance of open government.
Nancy West,