Over the last 4 years, the citizens of Milton have faced down and resoundingly defeated two landfill proposals, both slated to develop the same industrially zoned parcel off of Exit 18 of the Spaulding Turnpike. On March 10th, community members turned up in record numbers to vote a landslide victory against the petition warrant article to amend Milton's zoning to allow for landfills. Milton citizens saw through the corporate campaign promises of an "Environmental Park", lower property taxes, and jobs. We are a town that has proven itself united in our common goal to preserve our rural character and safeguard our air and water. The vote gave voice to Milton citizens' refusal to sell out one of its neighborhoods for the "promised" financial gain to the town. Our neighborhood is extremely relieved and grateful to our fellow citizens. We are also left wondering... "What's next?"
Milton's vote against landfills sends a strong grassroots message that we must take action to make landfills obsolete. According the EPA, Americans generated 251 million tons of trash in 2012. Each of us generates an average of 4.38 pounds of trash per day and that amount grows every year because of the expediency of disposing everything from razor blades to diapers. Plastic and other debris devastates waters all over the world, causing injury and death to wildlife and wildlife habitats. We place compostable material from the earth in plastic trash bags destined for landfills when it could be turned into marketable compost. Citizens in Milton and across the country need guidance from our local, state, and federal governments to do a much better job at managing our waste stream.
I would like to think that Milton's and other municipalities' refusal to host landfills will compel government and industry to work together to enact laws, programs, and incentives to promote Zero Waste initiatives. Zero Waste is about reducing, reusing, recycling and has the potential to motivate people to change their lifestyles and demand greener products. Our family business, The Siemon Company in Watertown, Connecticut, has achieved and sustained zero waste (99% landfill free) practices at its Connecticut operations since 2009. Vermont passed the Universal Recycling Law in 2012. More than just a guideline, the law bans yard waste from landfills, mandates commercial food scrap composting and institutes statewide unit-based pricing for garbage. San Francisco has enacted a Zero Waste goal for 2020. Until there is a grassroots demand for these services and greener products, the landfill industry will continue pounding on towns' doors with hefty financial muscle.
During the landfill debates, our most compelling argument has been that landfills are contrary to the directives of Milton's Master Plan. Master Plans provide the foundation of guiding principles to achieve smart growth, sound planning and wise resource protection. The good news is that we can all continue to make our voices heard by participating in the current update of Milton's Master Plan. We can work together on a policy statement in the revised Master Plan to promote Zero Waste initiatives to do our part in making landfills obsolete.
I urge Milton citizens to stay involved in the Master Plan conversation, and join the Conservation Commission in encouraging the Planning Board to host public outreach forums and surveys. This empowers all of us to have a real say in Milton's future planning to balance economic growth and development with the preservation and enhancement of Milton's unique rural character and culture. Check Milton's website for Planning Board public meeting agendas for Master Plan updates http://www.miltonnh-us.com/ ,and encourage the Planning Board to initiate a much broader community outreach in the Master Plan update process.
- Cynthia Wyatt,
Chair, Milton Conservation Commission