To the editor:
I found the article on Amer Fakhoury very interesting because strange as it may seem I know him. He is one of the nicest caring men I've ever met along with his wife, Michelle.
His love of this country and his family was the most important to him. I don't think he'd been here long when we met so we talked a lot about how things worked in the good old U.S.
We talked many, many times about Evan, and he was shocked at what they did to an American Marine who worked for a security contractor in Iraq protecting our people.
I hope that Amer does get out of prison and his health improves and he's able to get back to the country he loves.
Wouldn't it be great to see the look on U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen's face if Amer stood up and told the story about knowing Evan's father and why some of them did nothing. Ask why the supposedly noncorrupt politicians did nothing, refused to look into it rather than believing all the media BS giants put out there.
He could also mention how he knows all about Evan's imprisonment and ask her how we could let this happen to a U.S. citizen from her own state. Amer thought he'd left behind all the corruption when he moved to this country, I guess not.
Correspondence to Democrats sent by myself and others and never a follow up. Not even a slight interest in Evan's case or an answer from anyone. Phone calls ended quickly or hang ups when I even mentioned the case. And this isn't only our current voted in lawmakers in office now; it's all elected Democrats (for) years.
And now, after maybe the worst political week in this country's history the division of our country is at an all-time high. I along with millions of others are disgusted at the open attacks on President Trump. Instead of doing the job they were voted in to do they've wasted three whole years with one goal in mind ... get rid of Trump anyway they could.
Can you imagine the outrage if the same thing was done to Obama. We'd be called racists, sore losers and many other things I'm sure.
People are so sick of this BS get Trump, Trump did this, Trump might have done this ... on and on we go. I wonder how much the Democrats have spent the last three years going after him, surely a lot more than what most Americans make in a lifetime. Who paid for that? You and I of course.
I can't wait to hear what that nutball Nancy Pelosi's next move is, I'm pretty sure it'll be another no-class personal attack. Boy I bet the countries overseas are having a good laugh.
- Brian Liberty,