Your Voice: A letter from candidate Robie Marsters
Thursday, March 6, 2014 6:51 am
 Robie Marsters (Lebanon Voice file photo)
To the editor:
We can watch things happen, or we can make things happen.
The people of Lebanon on March 11 will be going to the polls in a special election to elect a new Selectman. That is why I am writing this editorial in an effort to inform the people of Lebanon what I stand for. I can sum it up in two words: Truth and Honesty, something this town hasn't seen in a very long time.
This was proven with the Rescue situation. Things were done in disregard to the wishes of the voters. Not any taxpayer money was to be used for this department but the town was taken to the tune of $208,000.00.
Now it is a fact that this cost has got to be covered. Do we cut back on other things or do we raise taxes? All people involved in this deception have to be held accountable to the highest extent of the law. What was done in this town only makes the Question: What else has been done in disregard of the voters?
Disregard for the voters’ voice is in my opinion the most despicable thing any elected official can do. By doing so it is taking away constitutional rights.
The fact is we now have to cover the $208,000.00 of money that has already been spent. We will be forced to put projects aside in an effort to keep taxes at an affordable level. We certainly don't need another 35 percent tax hike like a few years ago. Roads in this town are in dire need of lots of work, not only rebuilding but also maintaining the roads. We as taxpayers have spent thousands of dollars on fixing the roads. Maintenance is a big part of cost savings to the town. Ditching, creating drainage is very important otherwise we might as well put this money in a barrel and burn it. The fire department is in need of replacing a truck. I have studied this to great length and agree to that fact this truck needs replacing. The big question is, what is a life worth? I hate to say this but at this point in time I believe that the Old Town Hall project has to be put on the back burner. We should secure this building so not to incur any more damage. One suggestion is maybe look into having fund raising to raise money to fix this building. By doing so, it would reunite this great town. Getting people involved is the key to a great community. The town of Milton did this to their Old Town Hall without using any taxpayers’ money at all. I think it can be done in this town too. There are so many unknown expenses at this time it is very hard to set priorities as to what projects, equipment or needs the taxpayers can withstand without making an influx on their tax burdens. I will make this promise to the voters and taxpayers of Lebanon. I will work in the best interest of the town and the people and I will listen to the people. I want to thank you for the opportunity to express my suggestions and opinions. I would appreciate your support at the polls on March 11.
- Robie Marsters