We want you to know that while things are certainly different this year, we are still here to support your growing and enthusiastic readers. Read below for fun activities that will be happening online and around town to keep kids engaged. We will miss seeing you in person on Thursday mornings at the library, but we are doing our best to provide you with everything you need to have a summer of fun and learning. Thank you, and please don't hesitate to reach out if there is anything we can do to help.
** Summer Reading - What's Planned?
The Milton Free Public Library and Ms. Baker from Milton Elementary School have planned a wonderful summer for Milton youth!
From July 9 through August 13 we will meet virtually on Thursday mornings to "Imagine your Story!" This summer we are using READsquared (https://miltonfreepubliclibrary.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=edcb6918a5b95b583f64951d8&id=8bd1c8ba9a&e=e62757964d) to keep track of books read, award virtual badges, play games, and go on missions. Each week we will hear a story, do some movement, and other fun activities. What a great way to keep track!
If you are interested in your child joining in on the fun of summer reading, please register for games, prizes, missions, and stories online at READsquared (https://miltonfreepubliclibrary.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=edcb6918a5b95b583f64951d8&id=7eba7b6a1a&e=e62757964d) , or contact the Milton Free Public Library for more information: (603) 473-8535 or by email at mfpl@metrocast.net (mailto:mailto: mfpl@metrocast.net?subject=Summer%20Reading%20sign%20up) .
** Mr. Aaron from Rattlebox Studio
On July 9, we welcome Mr. Aaron from Rattlebox Studio. Mr. Aaron will share stories and music with your kids to get them movin' and groovin'! Click here for a sneak peak of the fun (https://miltonfreepubliclibrary.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=edcb6918a5b95b583f64951d8&id=861d6da6bc&e=e62757964d) . Funding for this Kids, Books and the Arts event is provided by the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation, Cogswell Benevolent Trust, and is supported in part by a grant from the NH State Council on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as funds administered by the New Hampshire State Library, and provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
** Storybook Strolls at Branch Hill Farm
The Milton Free Public Library, Nute Public Library, Nute Middle/High School Library, the Milton Elementary School Library, and the Woods, Water, and Wildlife Explorer's Club have teamed up to provide some Summer Reading fun as you stroll along one of the beautiful trails at Milton Mills' Branch Hill Farm. We will change the Strolls several times during the summer to allow you to read something new and to check out the changing views along the trail.
Our first Stroll, The Knight and the Dragon by Tomie DePaola, is ready to view. What happens when a knight decides to fight a dragon for the first time? What happens when a dragon decides to fight a knight for the first time? Tomie DePaola illustrates how each prepares for the fight, and what happens in spite of the best preparations!
In order to maintain good social distancing and safe strolling on a working farm, we are asking people to make reservations. To read The Knight and the Dragon by Tomie DePaola as you stroll, please contact (call or text) Kari Lygren of the Woods Water and Wildlife Explorer's Club to set up a time, (603) 978-7125. When you do, be sure to ask about the great opportunities of the Woods, Water, and Wildlife Explorer's Club!
Your Stroll time does count toward your Milton Free Public Library Summer Reading points! Contact the Milton Free Public Library mfpl@metrocast.net (mailto:mfpl@metrocast.net) or (603) 473-8535 for more information as you "Imagine Your Story" this summer.
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Storywalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson." All usage of the Storywalk® mark must comply with these guidelines, and must be limited to use in connection with educational, noncommercial projects consistent with the StoryWalk® Project mission to promote literacy.
Betsy Baker is head librarian at MFPL