ROCHESTER - On the heels of two more vehicle thefts on Monday from Rochester auto dealers, body shops and salvage yards, Rochester Police are calling this one of the worst outbreaks of vehicle thefts in the city's history.
Rochester Police Capt. Todd Pinkham said the eight cars and trucks stolen in the past six weeks is like no other stretch he has even seen.
"We've seen trends like this in the past like all over the Seacoast, but never with it all happening in Rochester," Pinkham said on Tuesday.
The latest two thefts were from Volkswagen of Rochester and Lambert's Auto Salvage. The vehicle stolen from Volkswagen was later found abandoned in Dover. The outcome of the Lambert's theft, the victim of which was an employee, is unknown.
But what is known is that in the past these thefts are usually done in conjunction with other crimes committed in the stolen vehicles, which is then dumped, Pinkham said.
While not wanting to give an exact explanation of how the thefts occurred, Pinkham did say that none of them had been hot-wired.
"All I can say is they happened in a variety of ways," he said, noting that with the ongoing investigation there's little more he could say.
Pinkham urged vehicle-related businesses to be on the lookout for anyone or anything suspicious and to increase security and surveillance capability to help prevent them from being victimized.
Police are asking that anyone who may have any information pertaining to any motor vehicle thefts in the area contact them at 603-330-7128. Tipsters can also provide information and remain anonymous by calling the Rochester Crime Line at 603-335-6500 or Text to: CRIMES (274637) Body of Text: TEXT4CASH + your tip. Cash rewards are offered for information that leads to an arrest.