ROCHESTER - The Rochester Elks #1393 conducted its annual youth soccer shoot at the Roger Allen Park Soccer Field on Saturday. There were 10 girls and boys from the local area who competed in the contest. The first place winners will compete in the State Elks Association Contest to be held in Nashua on Oct 6.
The competition director was Esteemed Lecturing Knight Ken Verhelle from the Rochester Lodge. 17 Elks members and 1 helper volunteered their time.
Divisions & Winners:
Girls - 7 & Under Boys - 7 & Under
1st Place - Colbie Bellows 1st Place - Lincoln Partridge
2nd Place - Maxwell Redden
Girls - 8 & 9 Boys - 8 & 9
1st Place - Maia Linck 1st Place - Boyd Partridge
Girls - 10 & 11 Boys - 10 & 11
1st Place - Bailey Bellows 1st Place - Gavin Linck
2nd Place - Tanner Redden
Boys - 12 & 13
1st Place - Gael Linck
Girls - 14 & 15
1st Place - Griffin Demers
The Elks Soccer Shoot program consists of two different contests that test different level skills at different ages. A "Five Goal Contest" consists of a series of five goals, decreasing in size from 48 inches to 17 inches. The age group that uses the goals in this contest are U-8 for ages 7 years old and younger. The contest is open to boys and girls who shoot separately. The U-8 contestants kick from 15 feet from the face of the goal.
The Grid Goal Contest consists of a full-size goal sectioned off so points can be scored when the ball is kicked into certain sections. The age groups that use this goal are U-10, for ages eight and nine, U-12, for ages ten and eleven, and U-14, for ages twelve and thirteen. The contest is open to both boys and girls and they shoot separately.
Congratulations are extended to these winners and to all who competed in the contest. It was a great youth event for the Lodge and the surrounding communities.
For more information about the Elks and their programs, please visit www.elks.org