Squirrelmageddon, Squirrelpocalypse. I'm sure you've heard about it, talked about it, guffawed over a beer about it.
It's the story of the month. Countless numbers of squirrels biting the dust on local highways and byways.
In one recent newspaper article, one motorist boasted counting 390 dead squirrels in a 50-mile drive from the Lakes Region to the Massachusetts border.
But far from being impressed by the level of reporting on this squirrel carnage, I am, in fact, outraged - and you should be, too - by the callous disregard and sometimes even comical slant to the reporting.
I mean consider this recent headline: "It's nuts: Dead squirrels all over the roads."
Another article reasoned, "Squirrels, overcome with hunger and looking to stow food for the winter, are not being as safe as they normally would while crossing the road."
Whether you're critical of how the press is treating this story or how they're writing about it, here's what you really should be thinking.
What kind of a people witness this type of death and dying and suffering among its fellow earth inhabitants and do nothing about it?
I mean is that where we're at as a people? Are these our American values? Is that how far we've come?
I personally think you can tell a lot about a society by how it takes care of its squirrels.
I mean these guys - and gals - are living things. The pain they feel with every dull thud of a car's tire or bumper is real. I mean, it's got to hurt.
So where is the empathy for these poor, toothy rodents?
Does no one care?
Can someone do something, anything to protect them, for gosh sakes? Don't they matter?
And why is there no governmental agency stepping forward to try to save these helpless creatures?
I mean, we built the roads upon which they're getting squished.
Do we not bear some of the responsibility for their squishedness?
We cannot equivocate.
Some lady killed a giraffe in Africa. OUTRAGE
Some crazed teen tortured a cat. OUTRAGE
About a bazillion squirrels got squished in New England, right in our own back yard and what do we get?
Couple funny little stories on how they're not following "Stop, look and listen" rules and stories with "It's Nuts" or "Boom and doom" headlines.
So the woman who killed the giraffe in Africa is a Neanderthal while folks going 80 mph back to Massachusetts after a weekend in the Lakes Region blithely mowing down hundreds of God's creatures (who happen to be squirrels, not giraffes) is just some comic fodder.
And it's not like we couldn't stop this killing field right now. Just have every car slow down to about 10 mph and brake for any moving squirrel till they find their way to the other side.
I mean, we do this for whales. If a whale breaches within like 100 feet of a whale watch boat, they are supposed to put it in neutral and wait until they've moved on.
Don't we care about the squirrels whom we see on a daily basis as much as we do these whales?
How can we equivocate? Whales, important; giraffe's important; squirrels, who cares? Maybe familiarity does breed contempt.
So where's the Secretary of the Interior, the Bureau of Squirrel Affairs, anyone who can stop this horror?
There's not even a go fund me page or a nonprofit, for gosh sakes.
It's obviously time for the Lady Gagas, George Clooneys, Jane Fondas and Meryl Streeps of the world to step forward and get behind SAS (Save a Squirrel).
Let's end this humanitarian disaster. Build some safe spaces for these cute rascally rodents. Give them a place to live where they can be free of the terror.
Let's do the right thing, for the squirrels.
Again, what kind of people are we?
Or have we gone nuts, too.