To the editor:
Isn't it disgusting when you find out those elected to office represent some power in the deep state instead of you, whose idea of liberty is to control people? Unfortunately today, representation of one's personal liberty takes second place to the party line. One such in process law sold with deception, exploiting citizen trust may be news to you.
Here I sound the alarm for the Senate to stop it, for, H.R. 550 called with such a phony name, the "Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act" now needs their vote. Such a name perhaps appropriate for modernizing steel and concrete bridges or buildings, but a far cry from its true purpose to record people's vaccine status. Kudos to those in the House who read the bill and voted for liberty in healthcare.
Spending hundreds of millions of dollars to record your vaccine status promises a future with a phone call that former Congressman Ron Paul describes writing on The New American website if HR 550 becomes law: "This is Dr. Anthony Fauci. According to government records you have not yet received your monthly COVID booster shot. Until you prove you are following vaccine protocols, your vaccine passport will be revoked, resulting in loss of your privilege to work, worship, and visit your family."
Has the HIPPA (Medical Privacy) law previously enacted to protect your privacy been revoked? Shouldn't Americans be concerned that now Dr. Fauci wants to spend hundreds of millions to make sure you will be getting your shots as often as he thinks you should? Seems like he has total power. Concerned folks who value health and liberty should tell both our New Hampshire Senators that this step toward a biomedical security state, giving the government full knowledge over our medical information, will be an invitation for DHHS to use this information as a tool to regiment and control our lives.
- Russ Payne,