Angelo Loli is finally home, but the work to keep him home and help him excel is far from over.
On Jan. 22, 2014, Angelo suffered a rare brain disorder known as Arteriovenous malformation, which he is still recovering from.
AVM is an abnormal connection between arteries and veins, bypassing the capillary system. The most general symptoms of a cerebral AVM include headache and difficulties with movement, but there is a wide range of other debilitating complications.
Angelo had been staying at Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center in Greenfield, N.H., for several months now, but finally, returned to his Milton home on July 29.
His father, Frank Loli, whose family run the Pizza Nook in downtown Milton, told The Lebanon Voice several weeks ago that their Milton home needed thousands and thousands of dollars in retrofitting to allow for Angelo's return, including an electric lift, renovated bathroom, the widening of doors and the building of ramps.
There are few programs to aid the Lolis in this endeavor, which is where volunteers and the community step in.
Milton Moose Lodge 1298 volunteers like Dave Barca of Milton helped to make the bathroom right, but more needs to be done.
The Lebanon Voice is helping, too. Through August we will be donating 5 percent of new ad revenue to the cause.
Angelo is a great kid, and the Lolis are a great hard-working family. We're happy to help. We hope you will, too.
Other ways you can make a difference:
Donate at any TD Bank branch location account titled "Angels for Angelo"
Click here for gofundme account.
Purchase a T-shirt for $10, window decal for $5 or wristband for $2.
Contact Jen Piller (603) 343-3747 or munchkinsdaycare@gmail.com for orders, questions, or other donations.