HAVEN will hold its 10th Annual Kids Are Our Business Breakfast on Friday from 8:30-9:30 a.m.
This virtual even is held to bring the community together to learn about the research-based violence prevention programming being offered here in Southeastern New Hampshire.
This year the HAVEN will be exploring the topic of "How to Respond To A Child Who Discloses Abuse."
In addition to learning how to respond to a disclosure and what happens afterward, attendees will hear about the Safe Kids Strong Teens programming HAVEN presents to schools in Southeastern NH that is helping students, teachers, and families build safer, stronger communities.
In honor of the Kids Are Our Business 10th Anniversary, the registration fee is only $10! Registrants will receive an event link prior to April 9th. Visit the event page of HAVENNH.org or contact Devin Oot at (603) 766-4365 or Devin@havennh.org