Veterans Day ceremonies will be held in both Rochester and Milton on Sunday, with Rochester's observance getting started at 11 a.m. at the Commons.
After a brief ceremony there, American Legion Post 7 will host a free lunch of beef stew and cornbread for veterans and others.
Then later on Sunday there will be an evening service at the United Methodist Church at 34 South Main St. Post 7 Commander Joe Fitzpatrick said all the local veterans lost since last Veterans Day will be honored and recognized as part of the service. An exact time for the service was not available today, so folks who want to go should check back with the church on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Milton will hold its ceremony in Veterans Park at 1 p.m., a special time so as not to conflict with church services, Milton VFW Post 8393 Quartermaster Robert Graham said today.
Graham will also serve as the main speaker for the event.
Jody Gourlay will also be on hand to sing the National Anthem.
The Milton Women's Club will provide coffee and doughnuts after the ceremony.