We at The Rochester Voice support our local and state police and want them to know how much we appreciate their hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and now resilience and grace in the midst of an errant national narrative that seeks to paint them as racists and thugs. Not true.
We think this aberration will soon pass but in the meantime we want them to know that we support them and that the overwhelming majority of the public does too.
To recognize police in our community we are offering a very special price if you'd like to subscribe to The Rochester Voice. Just $10 for a year.
And for those who support the police like we do, we'd like to offer you the same deal.
This offer coincides with National Police Week, which runs this year from May 9-15.
We should also point out that any current subscribers of The Rochester Voice who supports the police like we do can take advantage of the same deal.
Just click on Police Special.