This election is not about picking President Trump or Vice President Biden for our next president.
It's about whether you choose Communism or liberty.
It's about whether you choose law and order or anarchy.
It's about whether you believe in self-reliance and indiviudalism or that government should be at the center of every aspect of your lives, "taking care" of you from cradle to grave.
I once overheard two Democrats talking about eating out at the same restaurant. They both made several comments about how lousy the food was.
Finally one said, "Can't the goverment get some agency to look into this and let people know what restaurants are best?"
Sadly they weren't joking.
This is the quintessential thought pattern of so many people on the far left.
Government is the answer to everything.
Joe Biden thinks black people around the country are incapable of taking care of themselves and need government doleouts to survive.
How racist is that?
Biden said, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black."
Joe Biden thinks he owns the black vote. Isn't that sort of political slavery.
Let's look at what he did for blacks over the years and how much better off they are after having Joe Biden on their side for 47 years?
After all it was Joe who
Hung out with Ku Klux Klan members.
Voted for the 1990s crime bill that put thousands of blacks in jail which wasn't undone till President's Trump's First Step Act, which freed many blacks imprisoned for nonviolent crimes like drug offenses.
Remember it was also Joe Biden who said of Obama during their first presidential campaign: "I mean you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
Joe Biden is an empty vessel that will be steered by the farthest-left factions of the Democratic party like Vice-Presidential nominee Kamala Harris, Vt. Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The next time you see Joe Biden on TV look at his eyes. Remember Steppenwolf's Pusher" "I've seen a lot of people walkin' round with tombstones in their eyes."
Just look at some of the gaffes he's made during a campaign when you should be at the top of your game.
"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" followed by an all too late correction of "Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids."
Telling a crowd at a Asian & Latino Coalition town hall meeting his thoughts on poor kids not succeeding at school (August 9, 2019)
"Iran parliament, Iran parliament voted to eject all American coalition forces from the country"
Speaking about the recent decision by the parliament of Iraq. Biden did not correct himself. (January 7, 2020)
"One of the things I'm proudest of is getting passed, getting moved, getting in control of the Paris Climate Accord, I'm the guy who came back after meeting with Deng Xiaoping and making the case that I believe China will join if we put pressure on them. We got almost 200 nations to join."
Deng Xiaoping was not at the Paris Climate accords to negotiate with Biden as he died in 1997. Biden most likely meant to refer to Xi Jinping. (February 24, 2020)
"Where I come from, you don't go very far unless you ask. My name's Joe Biden. I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate,"
Forgetting which elected position he is running for at a South Carolina first in the south dinner (February 24, 2020)
During the primary campaign he also forgot whether he was in New Hampshire or Maine, and recently said he'd been in the Senate for 180 years and spent 10 years as vice president.
Of course if you're from New Hampshire or Texas or Tennessee you probably know Joe Biden for something that is anything but funny. You know him as the guy who went to Iraq in 2010 to guarnantee that the men of Raven 23 - newly dubbed the Biden 4 - would be reindicted after a federal judge dismissed the case for prosecutorial wrongdoing in the so-call Nisour Square massacre, which wasn't a massacre but a firefight.
Those men of the Biden 4 - Evan Liberty of Rochester, N.H., Paul Slough of Texas and Nicholas Slatten and Dustin Heard of Tennessee - continue to languish in federal prisons thanks to Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Their shameful, corrupt prosecution is spelled out in a recent story in The Rochester Voice, which you can read here.
But there's something else Vice President Biden said on Friday that is not a joke or a gaffe. It's absolutely chilling. He said American voters don't deserve to know whether he'll pack the Supreme Court or not.
When you run for public office you're supposed to formulate a platform. That platform is made up of policy "planks."
When a candidate refuses to answer a policy question not only should that raise eyebrows. It should preclude him or her from getting your vote.
If we don't deserve to hear what you plan to do, you don't deserve our vote, Joe.
Meanwhile, President Trump has delivered on nearly every promise he made, and the country is better for it.
He's building the wall.
He reduced taxes.
He created the greatest economy in recent history with record low unemployment for blacks, Latinos, Asian-Americans and women.
Instead of increased poverty under Obama-Biden millions of Americans climbed out of poverty under President Trump. Since Trump took the White House there has been fewer folks on welfare, food stamps and other entitlement programs.
The pandemic threw a monkey wrench into the country's return to robust economic times, but even with the shutdowns - many that are continuing in blue states - some 55 percent of Americans agree they're better off than they were four years ago.
President Trump brought us to the greatest resurgence of American prosperity once, and he's best suited to do it again.
The choice is yours.
Do you want to live in a totalitarian, administrative state that pokes its nose into every aspect of your life?
A totalitarian state that tells you how to speak, how to think, what your values should be and if you can worship as you see fit?
If that's not the vision you have for your children's and grandchildren's America, there's only one choice for president.
The Rochester Voice endorses Donald J. Trump.