To the editor:
New Hampshire tax paying citizens need to remain "ever vigilant" to the
affiliations between your town, or city administrators, and the likes of "Civil
Liberty Unions".
In Rochester NH, the City Council is attempting to put forward a "Panhandling
This ordinance is being driven by New Hampshire's Civil Liberty Union, to
promote "Panhandling Reform."
They are doing so, through overt "threats" to SUE the city (US) on behalf of the
"perceived" rights of Panhandlers.
To this I say:
To: The Honorable Rochester Mayor T.J. Jean
Mayor Jean, the Rochester City Council met, Tuesday Feb 18, 2014.
On this night, there were several incidents on my street alone, within view of
my window. One cruiser was even dispatched to the scene of one incident.
How many calls were made to authorities that evening regarding storm related
incidents or accidents?
One of my neighbors, returning from work, could not safely drive up Chesley
Hill Road, as it remained unplowed. I took it upon myself to plow to the main
road JUST to get them off the street, out of harms way, and into my driveway.
The conditions that night were beyond treacherous.
Throughout the day and night, "Weather Related Closings" SCROLLED across the
bottom of the TV screen indicating virtually everything was "CLOSED," due to the
inclement weather. Were you ALL UNAWARE?
Yet, to my dismay, the Rochester City Council remained in session!
I ask, what was so pressing to subject anyone to travel the "miserable" streets
of Rochester for a council meeting?
The main agenda for that meeting regarded PANHANDLING!
Perhaps there was thought, no one would attend this meeting, but several
"hearty" citizens were in attendance.
A newspaper article mentions you, Mayor Jean, stating "the repeal of this
ordinance was reluctantly approved"!
Was there an attempt to "shovel" this agenda through without anyone noticing? I
certainly hope not!
I am aware a "fledgling" crop of the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union
attorneys, are threatening to file lawsuits on behalf of the Panhandling
Civil (?) Liberties Union(s), are organized and have an "insatiable" desire to
file "Legal Papers" on virtually anything.
Recently, I attended a hearing at the New Hampshire State House, where an
attorney was "OPENLY" threatened the legislative members in attendance with
lawsuits, if they didn't comply with "HIS" standards. In this case, the issue
was in reference to a Proposed NH Bill requiring VOTERS to have a say on
municipalities building and maintaining "Workforce Housing"!
The AUDACITY, of this guy to speak to the Legislative Body, OUR elected
officials, with such IMPUNITY!
Not a single one of them put him immediately on notice to stick to his argument,
or censure him.
If he thinks he can speak that way to our elected officials, imagine what he
would tell us.
I urge you, and the City Council, to not "cower" to the threats of this
"alleged" organization. The NHCLU are simply a "Corporation" with a fancy name, willing to "attempt" to sue the TAXPAYER, and do so, to our LAST TAX DOLLAR!
Their "desires and threats" do not trump already established laws regarding
public safety and common sense!
There are ample laws already in place to cover ANY contingency, without creating
new ones.
How do I know this?
It can be found in the "Bill of Rights and the US Constitution"!
I "beseech" you, the Rochester City Councilors, as well as the City Manager,
familiarize yourselves, with the attached link below.
These "Truths" are "Self-Evident"!
- Louis Archambault, SMSgt, USAF (RET)
Chesley Hill Rd.