LEBANON - The Lebanon Voice publisher Harrison Thorp has announced he will run as a write-in candidate for House Seat 20, which represents Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh.
Thorp ran against Karen Gerrish of Lebanon in the Republican primary in June and garnered 40 percent of the vote in a relatively small voter turnout. About 500 votes were cast in all three towns.
The Democrat in the race is Bettie Harris-Howard of Lebanon.
Thorp said he's running as a write-in because he wants to give voters who want to end the gridlock in Augusta a chance to finally have their voice heard.
He said he considers himself a fiscal conservative and a social moderate.
"I will be focused like a laser beam on ending the fraud and misuse of our welfare system," Thorp said. "The way things are now with the job market, people on welfare can't afford to get a job because they're getting $50,000 a year in entitlements.
"I want to help write the legislation that encourages them to get back to work and off of these programs. I know that is their goal as well and I want to help them achieve the American dream, which isn't a lifetime of food stamps and public housing. I want their wallet to hold an American Express card, not an EBT card."
For more information on Thorp's candidacy go to harrisonforrepseat20.com or Facebook: key word harrisonforrepseat20.