Why am I running as a write-in candidate for House 20? Let me explain.
First, Karen Gerrish is too extreme, too far to the right for most Republicans. She's a Tea Partyer.
She was way over her head as a town selectman. She'll be way way over her head if she goes to Augusta and be nothing more than a party "yes-woman."
We need someone in Augusta who can be a strong Republican presence, but still be able to reach across the aisle when it's for the good of the people of Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh.
By the way, Gerrish was asked recently if she had a platform.
She said, "No, I have a Facebook Page." Now tell me she won't be over her head in Augusta.
Her thirst to be a state rep led Gerrish to put her political aspirations above the interests of the people of Lebanon. Of that I have no doubt.
She voted twice to have money taken from the general fund to offset taxes that left the town finances in shambles, then commenced a coverup as the primary election neared in June.
Without raiding the general fund, taxes would've risen 10 percent, which would've been bad for her politically
Now the general fund is underfunded which could cost town residents aplenty.
She stood by for two years as the former Rescue Department overspent to the tune of $200,000. She said she smelled something fishy when she first came into office, but never delved into the fiscal mess.
Political expedience over principled leadership.
She got an A-plus from the NRA, which means she would not vote for a ban on automatic weapons, or machine guns. I would.
She would vote for constitutional carry, which means any law-abiding citizen can wear a concealed handgun with no permit. (Don't cut him off on Route 202.) I would not.
She would end the Sunday ban on hunting in Maine when for one day a week it's safe to go out for an autumn hike in the gorgeous countryside we are blessed with here in Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh. I would not.
I got a C from the NRA, which I am actually very proud of.
U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, for whom I serve as a Campaign Chair, got a C from the NRA as well. We both, however, feel strongly about our Second Amendment rights. And here's something to think about. Gerrish cannot beat Democrat Bettie Harris-Howard, because Gerrish is too extreme, but if Harris-Howard is elected she'll be looking to erode your Second Amendment Right to bear arms.
I will not. So who do you bet on? I hope you'll agree I'm the best choice. I would vote to keep all the present gun and hunting laws in place and fight against abridging those rights further.
My prime objective in Augusta, however, is to continue the fight to reform our welfare system, which now does not have enough incentives for folks to get off these entitlement programs. These programs threaten the American Way more than any gun law.
I want a safety net. Too many lawmakers, including left-leaning Democrats, are allowing it to become a hammock. But I know a lot of hard-working Democrats and Independents are tired of seeing the welfare abuses like we had last year with Maine EBT cards being used in Puerto Rico, Miami and Las Vegas, at casinos, strip clubs and bars.
Or finding their way into the hands of drug dealers as payment for illegal drugs like heroin.
People across the board want this to stop. I'm not vilifying any welfare recipient. I know they would be happier if they had a good-paying job rather than an EBT card. And I want to find a way to make that happen, for their sake, and the sake of their children and grandchildren.
I will roll up my sleeves with like-minded Republicans, Democrats and Independents across the state to get this done.
On the economic front, I believe we have to work with the state to make the Route 202 corridor in Lebanon some sort of business enterprise zone, with incentives to business and small manufacturing concerns to locate here.
We have a divided highway in the Spaulding just three minutes from Lebanon and a rail spur behind Market Basket Plaza. Yet we don't even have a vibrant and vital industrial park in Lebanon!
We need jobs more than more subdivisions. Light industrial development along Route 202 will help our tax rate in Lebanon and help give good-paying jobs to the people of Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh.
Lastly I have no political agenda except to help the people of Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh. I hope you'll join me on the journey to end the gridlock in Augusta and continue the strides Maine has made under the administration of Gov. LePage.
Remember, as Henry David Thoreau said, "That government is best which governs least."
Harrison Thorp