LEBANON - A couple of political newcomers including a former Town Offices employee, along with incumbent Ben Thompson have all taken out nomination papers for the selectman's spot up for grabs at Town Elections this May.
Christine Torno, who worked at Town Hall for many years, and political newcomer Jennie McComish have both taken out papers for selectman. Torno also has never run for office.
Current Road Commissioner Tom Torno is the only one so far to take out nomination papers for the three-year road commission slot.
Nomination papers for road commissioner (three years), selectman (three years), budget committee seats (three for three years) and an SAD 60 director (one for three years) are all available.
The nomination papers must be submitted no later than March 28 for both Town and School Elections.
Nomination papers require no less than 25 signatures and no more than 100. A candidate consent form will also be required when submitting papers to ensure candidates who are elected are qualified for office and will accept the seat and not withdraw.