They make a huge problem costing you thousands, then give you a couple a bucks
10:34 a.m.
Sunday, October 2, 2022 10:33 am
 Thanks to Biden's energy policy the world's less safe and our fuel bills will double. (Courtesy photo)
I think it's great that New Hampshire is stepping up to the plate to help low-income households with their heat and electric bills, this winter but think for a moment, who was it caused them to spike? You guessed it, the government. The first day the cognitively challenged one pulled the plug on the Keystone Pipeline, which not only dried up our oil supplies spiking a huge cost hike, but also led to the war in Ukraine, due to the massive amounts of money rolling into the Kremlin that Putin used to finance the war. And we're still buying Russian oil through European third parties, according to a report in the National Post. And from Venezuela, too. Even crazier, as Putin threatens the United States with retaliation in the Ukraine war, the Biden administration continues to allow them to assist in brokering a new Iranian nuclear deal. Hey stupid, Russia and Iran are besties. Biden's missteps in the foreign policy arena are monumental, from the botched pullout from Afghanistan to the president speculating prior to the war in Ukraine that a "minor incursion" might not draw a U.S. response. But it's not just the feds that are meddling where they shouldn't be. Right here in New Hampshire Gov. Sununu is looking to spend $100 million dollars to build affordable housing. He's promising he'll match dollar for dollar money spent on construction of buildings that house five or more apartments. So if a developer promises he'll spend $200,000 building a five-unit apartment house, he gets $200,000 from state taxpayers. Isn't that welfare for developers? Sununu is also ready to give cities and towns $10,000 for each affordable unit built, up to $1 million per municipality. And cities like Rochester will get a chunk of $5 million set aside for planning and zoning folk to "update" zoning. Yeah, update, that a pretty harmless sounding word for the havoc it could have wreaked on the village of Gonic if the city got its way at the Brickyard. Remember the money for all these grants isn't just printed like they do in Washington. It's all taxpayer money that could go to mental health, veterans, seniors who are on a fixed income and drug addiction programs. What's worse, the money printed willy nilly in Washington lights a flame to inflation that is crippling all Americans except the ultra rich. State, and local governments are awash with ARPA money, and they can't spend it fast enough. That's how Rochester got its own five-year, $500G Community Outreach Facilitator, who is tasked with seeking out drug addicts and trying to convince them to get into rehab, something police officers used to routinely do. Of course most officers will tell you that most of the referral paperwork they give drug addicts goes straight to the circular file. It's the same kind of job that SOS Recovery does on a daily basis. Meanwhile, Rochester is still working on its $1.3 million day care gambit, which will probably put some private day care businesses out of business. No matter, they'll just move right along no matter the damage they do to the economy. So right now the government is in housing, day care, health care, what next? Sometimes methinks government wants to run everything. Oh yeah, that'd be China.