To the editor:
On the 4th of July, 1976, 124 U.S. Senators celebrated their loyalty to the United Nations by signing a Declaration of Interdependence, a complete repudiation of the Declaration of Independence. Our 41st President George H. W. Bush on 9/11/1990 boldly challenged the eternal wisdom of our Founders by saying: the UN directed Gulf War was intended to create a "new world order." Sadly, only The John Birch Society and several patriotic organizations challenged this ultimate betrayal of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution by our Commander in Chief who surrendered his war powers to UN/NATO control, now a "no win war' for 20 plus years.
Blind trust in government invites despotism. The result is peace without freedom. Over the past century, apathetic voting habits of the American people have followed this fatal trend. In 1945, Americans starving for peace were deceived by this "cheese in the mousetrap." The mousetrap was the framework of world government, the UN Charter. Who could argue against it in those chaotic times? Both parties and political candidates supported the promise of peace. The phony promise of "no more wars" won Senate ratification of the UN Charter with only 2 dissentng votes.
The lack of accountability by the UN thrived under the honeymoon of world peace and wasn't exposed until years later when The John Birch Society in 1960 initiated their "Get Us Out Of The UN and Get The UN Out Of The US campaign to expose this betrayal.
" When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."
Today Edmund Burkes' advice challenges our complacent indifference to what is really happening. Trusted bad men have combined against liberty under the banner of peace in a generational plot that never made NY Times headlines even after, In 1980 the State Department issued a document entitled Postwar Foreign Policy Preparation 1939-1945 ...:
"... key government figures in UN planning within the U.S. State Department and treasury Department : Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White , Virginius Frank Coe. Dean Acheson. Noel Field , Lawrence Duggan, Henry Julian Wadleigh, John Carter Vincent, David Weintraub, Nathan Gregory Silvemaster. Solomon Adler, Abraham George Silverman, William L. Ullman and William H. Taylor." G. Edward Griffin reveals this in his 1964 book, The Fearful Master: that all these men except Dean Acheson have been identified in sworn testimony as Secret Communist agents.
Americans must not remain ignorant of the true purpose of UN peace. We cannot continue to elect self-promoting globalists to office. Which world do you choose: the Godless tyranny of the UN or freedom under God secured by leadership obedient to the Constitution? Answering that question with party votes, waving the flag, and firecrackers is not sufficient for the sacred fire of independence and liberty to be reignited. Restore Americanism by demanding your Representation sponsor the American sovereignty Restoration Act. Get the truth at Go to .
- Russ Payne,