The UN strives for world domination, not world peace

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The UN building in Manhattan (Courtesy photo)

While all eyes are mostly focused on the presidential election, a threat to our constitutional republic is flying under the notice of public scrutiny. The usurpation of total power over all nations at the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York City, on September, 22 and 23. The Psalmists exposes this evil nature of men seeking power, "His speech was softer than butter yet war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil yet they were drawn swords." (Psalms 55:21).

Consider some very disturbing known changes: Article 43, Revitalize the General Assembly; Article 44, Strengthen the Economic Social Council to accelerate achievements of 2030 Agenda; Article 49 & 50, Reform of the governance of international finance for Sustainable Development Goals so that countries can borrow sustainably to invest in long term development."

Marxist hands in the American workers pockets = a world income tax.

While this betrayal of trust of large majorities of American's captive audience to established media/government collusion, members of The John Birch Society have labored to "GET US OUT OF THE UNITED NATIONS" to expose nefarious activity. With congressional support one Administration after another parrot the "UN is man's last best hope for peace." They have for generations carried out Hitler's words from Mein Kamp: "If you wish the sympathy of the broad masses, then you must tell them the crudest and most stupid things."

Imagine for almost 80 years now a large segment of our people cannot overcome their mindset that the UN is a "peace dove."

Why have most of our elected representation remained so ignorant of our nations birthing documents? Are so many unaware they promote treason against our American Republic with their loyalty to the UN Charter? A simple comparison of Jefferson's challenge in the Declaration of Independence to the tyrannical despots of his day, that God is the source of our rights and our government's purpose is to secure His rights.

A decade later, our Founders sealed this eternal concept of liberty into law with the Bill of Right; more accurately to limit Congress with the demand that they shall make no law respecting any God-given liberties. Then brilliantly ending in the Tenth Amendment by essentially saying: if we've forgotten anything, then the federal government can't do that either!

In order to evaluate the UN Summit of the Future, today we must go back to the past, armed with these basic facts of deceptions. Our leaders Instead of protecting our Constitution from all enemies, "foreign and domestic," they have violated it, immune from criticism for decades. This must stop. If viewing the UN as our enemy is new to you, do the research. When making a decision, remember the moral gist of Dante's poem 'The Inferno" when he said: "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality?"

Stand up for Americanism: get off the fence and urge your Congressmen to promote The Defund Act (H.R. 6645, in the House, and your Senator's to promote S 3428.) Urge them and all candidates for Congress to take the UN pledge at And view the model legislation to Get US Out of the UN at https:// .

- Russ Payne,


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