A funny thing happened when I took my daughter and granddaughter to Old Orchard Beach on Wednesday.
We walked into the water not far from OOB's famous pier without flinching.
Water temps were easily in the mid-70s, and I can tell you for sure it was warmer than Milton Three Ponds because I'd swam there on Tuesday.
In fact, the water was almost as crowded as the beach.
I thought of taking the trip last week after finding out anyone over 65 gets to ride the Downeaster for half price during this special offer.
The round trip ticket from Dover was just $31 for all three of us.
And what a pleasant ride it was, about 40 minutes in length with stops in Wells and Saco before you get off in OOB about two blocks from the beach!
As we strolled to the beach amid the smells of pizza, fried dough and poutine, we noticed parking lots that charged $20, so between gas and parking and just the hassle of driving, the train was a smart choice, indeed.
We took the 10:20 a.m. out of Dover and returned on the 1:58 p.m. out of OOB. Three hours of fun in the sun.
And talk about time flying when you're having fun. As we lollygagged in souvenir shops I glanced at my cellphone and saw it was 1:55 p.m. Moments later we heard the train horn, stopped our lollygagging and began legging it up the main boulevard, crossing the tracks to see the bright, oscillating headlamp on Amtrak train 686 on a straight stretch of track on the outskirts of the city.
With only a block to go and the train moving at a slow speed we knew we had plenty of time.
For reservations on Amtrak, call 800-USA-RAIL or go to amtrak.com
By the way, senior fares on the Downeaster are half price now. A ride from Dover to OOB is just $6 and to Boston just $11.
If you need more info about things to do at OOB just drop in at the Chamber of Commerce. It's a one minute walk from the OOB train station.