Margaret Brennan of CBS "Face the Nation" today teased her program during the final Segment of CBS News Sunday with Jane Pauley by saying, "And today an interview with Vice President Mike Pence on whether he's discussed having President Trump removed from office."
And then came the interview, itself: "So Mr. Vice President," says the "Face the Nation" host, "have you ever discussed removing the president?"
Why would we do that when the country is doing so well, with the economy roaring, with peace on the Korean peninsula closer than ever before, with our military stronger than it's been in years, Pence intoned.
Brennan, seeing there was nothing there left other than to allow the vice president to list more accomplishments from the Trump administration, moved swiftly on to the Mueller probe, which every day become more of a charlaton charade rather than a genuine search for the truth behind Russian interference in the 2016 election.
But the real obfuscation foisted on the American people by CBS producers today is that the tease Brennan used on CBS News Sunday had no merit. It was a faux tease on a prerecorded interview from Saturday, one CBS producers knew was a nonstarter.
Pence had pooh-poohed the very thought of such a conversation regarding Article 25 the day before and producers knew it yet still teased it regardless.
It was tantamount to knowing that a Cat 4 hurricane headed to Miami had veered east and out to sea, yet still teasing, "We'll talk with Weatherchannel meteorologists to find out how badly Miami will get hit in the next hour" when they knew beforehand Miami won't be hit at all.
This is journalism run amok and just feeds the animus so many Americans have about "fake news."
Why would you choose to mislead your audience to such a degree?
Perhaps to satisfy a perceived audience need to hear anti-Trump rhetoric?
We as journalists are not here to feed a particular segment of the population. We are here to report the news.
Later on the "Face the Nation" roundtable consisted of a New York Times reporter, a New York Times Magazine reporter, someone from Politico and another anti-Trumpster whose name I did not get. Sorry, but they all look alike.
When half of America continues to stand defiantly behind Trump, the Sunday talk shows continue to populate their talking heads with the left.
What gives?
Just another black eye for the Fourth Estate.
By the way, in my opinion CBS is by far the least prejudiced of the three major TV networks when it comes to covering Washington politics.
Guess their trying to dispel that notion. Nice job!