LEBANON - Trains Tavern will open its doors on a Sunday for the first time on June 22.
The tavern, which opened in the fall of 2011, got off to a rocky start with a headline beating story the following January.
In the beating a Berwick man was severely injured and continues his slow recovery.
The defendants in the case both pleaded guilty and were sentenced.
Later in June 2012 Lebanon voters rejected allowing the tavern a permanent Special Amusement Ordinance, which any tavern or nightclub must have to allow live bands and dancing.
The rejection by the voters caused Trains Owner Paul Pelletier to have to seek temporary permits until a permanent one was narrowly approved by town residents during voting last June.
Earlier this week Lebanon residents gave Pelletier another boost, allowing on premises Sunday sales of alcohol for the first time in town history with a 540-459 vote.