An individual has risen up and is speaking the truth of the most imminent and serious conditions our country faces. Most national polls list Democracy as the second most important issue of concern among voters. If we have a failed constitutional republic due to a decline in morals and values, political corruption, inflation, urban decay, inferior technology, and military spending absolutely no other debatable issue will much matter.
Thank you, Tulsi, for leaving the Democratic Party, stating the truth, and having the courage to put Americans first while calling out the powerful elitist cabal in D.C.
Are you tired being lied to over a fake Dossier and all of its fallout; of degrading the police and rewarding the criminal; hostility to people of faith; not knowing the source of Covid after funding research in Wuhan; censorship of free speech; the burden of open borders and fentanyl deaths; the appearance of a one-sided justice system; and, weaponization of our national security state against political opponents?
We are being dragged ever closer to a nuclear war. Our relationships with China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are dangerously tattered. The majority party in D.C openly wants to pack the Supreme Court to acquire political control as done in Venezuela.
Every American should be outraged and vote to remove the elitists in DC who colluded with the White House, the FBI, and social media impacting the 2020 election results and manipulating political actions over the past two years. Inflation, abortion, college tuition, health care, taxes, gun control, education, and every other issue affecting your daily life is dictated by the elitists in D.C.
Do not vote for Senator Maggie Hassan who votes 97% of the time with Biden or Congressman Chris Pappas who votes 100% of the time with Pelosi unless you support further decline and the fall of America.
Cheryl Russell is a former teacher and employee of the U.S. Treasury Department. She lives in Dover.