To the editor:
I urge the voters of Milton to support the Warrant Article for the Fire Station.
With a 3/5ths majority vote required, each and every vote DOES count.
There are so many reasons that the current building is in need of being replaced. I am not going to go into detail about the problems and issues with this building. The State Fire Marshall has already talked about that as well as our own Fire Chief. I do not want my tax bill to increase. But life safety issues are and should be important to every resident of Milton NH.
We can't keep putting a band aid on an open wound and expect it to heal. There are serious problems with the existing structure and it has long since served its useful purpose.
I urge each and every one of you to contact Chief Marique or stop by the existing station and view for your self. Take the time, be an educated voter.
I am not going to get into a debate about why we need this and why we need it now. The facts and the state of the current building speak volumes. On your way to vote on Tuesday, stop by the Fire Station for a quick look. You will be appalled.
- Les Elder
Milton NH