Some things I just don't get
Why is it that when you are driving south on the Spaulding and exit at 202 West to get to Rochester Crossing you are always met by several dozen birds sitting on utility lines at the stoplight at the bottom of the exit ramp?
I mean are they surveillance birds planted by Homeland Security just to keep an eye on us. Are they hanging out there just to feel empowered.
Are they getting a charge out of it. I'm sure there are birds sitting on utility lines all over the city, but I only notice them at this exit.
Why is it that a day after Republicans finally elect California Rep. Kevin McCarthy House speaker, mainstream media is touting that he now presides over a dysfunctional body.
I would posit that the dysfunctional body was the previous House where Democrat sheeples followed the dictates of their ice-cream loving Nancy "Cruella" Pelosi. Now if we can just get rid of Mitch "the Turtle" McConnell, just maybe the swamp can be drained a bit. And of course, Chuck "We're coming for you" Schumer, too. With all those dinosaurs gone, we might even get some term limits.
I actually found it refreshing to hear some malcontents with the Freedom Caucus trim McCarthy's sails a bit, let him know Republicans won't stand for business as usual anymore.
Why is it that the Rochester welfare chief would say last month that Rochester is a great place to live, work, raise a family ... and be homeless!
I mean is that like when Joe Biden was getting in a young girl's face (as he is wont to do) during the 2020 campaign and while talking about the southern border explained to her, "Yeah, I think we can fit a few million more people in here!"
Don't forget he raised his hand during a campaign debate signaling he would provide health care for all illegals.
But that doesn't exactly mean Biden is paying for their health care. We are.
And for all you libs, before you get your dander up, ask yourself this: "Would you mind taking a few migrants into your home for a couple of years and pay for their food, clothes, meds and sundries?
You know you wouldn't. But you're happy to foist that cost onto your children and grandchildren through enormous future debt. Shame on you.
So does the city welfare director want the media to proclaim this fact: that Rochester is a great place to be homeless?
Well, we'll do it, but we still believe in capitalism, so he'll have to pay for an ad to put it in. And he should use his own money, not ours. Btw, any homeless people want a job? There's a lot out there, including sales associates for The Rochester Voice!