Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Till they get stolen.
It seems every selectman candidate has had some of their signs stolen, knocked down or pushed over.
Candidate Robie Marsters said he’s lost about a dozen signs.
“I put some up (last) Saturday morning at the end of North Rochester Road. By Saturday afternoon they were gone.”
He said in West Lebanon village, vandals had stolen signs belong to him, Selectmen Chairman Robert Frizzell and Ben Thompson.
Bettie Harris-Howard said one of hers had been knocked down at the corner of Center Road and Upper Guinea, a popular spot for political signs this year.
“We put them back up,” she said on Monday.
Corinna Cole said some of her signs were stolen within three hours of putting them last week near her Kennebec Drive home. She said she saw one of Thompson’s signs on River Road had disappeared as well.