Memorial Days services will begin at 10 a.m. in Milton and Rochester, 11 a.m. in Lebanon.
In Rochester the parade starts at Holy Rosary Church on North Main Street and proceeds to the downtown bridge where an observance will be held to remember sailors who died in service to their country.
The parade will then continue to the Rochester Commons for a scheduled 10:30 service involving all local veterans groups.
In Milton Memorial Day services will be held at the Milton Mills Library, beginning at 10 a.m.
The Hon. Robert E. McKinley , Commander of the American Legion Post 61, will do the greetings and introductions. Marshals of Day include: Robert McKinley, Pete Hayward-Commander VFW Post 8353 Milton/Farmington, Fred Guldbrandsen-Commander VFW Post 7663, Union/Sanbornville and Celeste Necholas-President VFW Post 7663 Ladies Auxiliary Union and NH. The Invocation will be given Rev. Betsy Webber, Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Bernie Collins, Sr., the National Anthem and special selections by Nute High School Band under the direction of Directo Amy Morse.
Eighth-grader Tim Richards will give the Gettysburg Address. Speaker of the Day will be Lt. Col. Bernie Collins (retired) Nute High School Class of 1978. The Benediction and the memorial for parted sailors by Rev. Bob Andrews.
The parade will form at the library on Main Street, proceed down Main Street past the Historical Building and post office where it will pause at the bridge to honor Navy veterans, continue on to the Milton Mills Cemetery to pause at a veterans monument and then return to the library assembly point where the parade will disband.
In Lebanon Boy Scouts and other groups will join veterans in a short parade from the Hanson School parking lot to Town Offices on Upper Guinea Road where a short service will commemorate the day.
There will be a salute featuring the cannon of Lebanon resident Steven Wanager and a rendition of taps to conclude the service.