LEBANON - Only 142 Lebanon residents voted at last year’s MSAD 60 School Budget Referendum compared to more than 1,000 at June’s town election, but Lebanon Town Clerk Laura Bragg said residents should make it a point to show up tomorrow because “every vote counts.”
In fact, Lebanon residents OK’d last year’s budget by just 20 votes, and Berwick voters rejected it outright.
It passed districtwide by just 64 votes, 294-230.
This year’s district school budget comes in at $34.8 million, a 3.9 percent increase over last year’s $36.1 million, but both Lebanon and North Berwick actually show a decrease in the mil rate dedicated for school funding. The mil rate is used in determining a homeowners’ property tax. Berwick's increase in the mil rate was minimal.
The district offset some of the reduced funding at the state and federal level by cutting about 20 teachers, ed techs, clerical and administrative positions. It also consolidated several positions within the district as well as sharing some positions in maintenance and food preparation with other school districts.
The Hanson and Lebanon Elementary School lost two ed techs and a teacher.
Voters tomorrow will have a second question on the ballot, Bragg said, asking whether they want to continue approving the budget using a district budget meeting followed by a referendum vote, or switch to a single-vote town meeting style format.
Voting booths will open at the Lebanon Elementary School at 8 a.m. and remain open till 8 p.m.