To the editor:
Rochester's own State Representative, Cliff Newton, presents a valid 91-A request to the City of Rochester, for the "city" to identify locations of city-owned property.
His request was denied because he was not specific enough to the properties in question.
Had he been born in Maine, and three days later, his birthing parent brought him to New Hampshire, this bunch of bananas would not recognize him as a lifelong citizen either.
Mr. Harrison Thorp, Rochester Voice editor, was also denied an answer to a 91-A request.
The subject of this request is irrelevant. In this case, or any other, he's had his mere existence invalidated. The city doesn't recognize his media's relevance either.
Then, Terrence O'Rourke (Esquire) doubles down by saying, Mr. Thorp doesn't reside in New Hampshire.
He can't get there from wherever he thinks he is...
What a unique place to be.
He can "officially Say" anything, and can't be held accountable.
He's a "Non-Entity."
Mr. Thorp could of generated a 91-A, had a citizen sign it, and "that" citizen could of passed it in.
That's not the point
It's the PRINCIPAL of the thing, you clueless unscrupulous opportunists.
Fosters Daily "Disappointing" Democrat gets the Maroon Carpet treatment.
(Due to their Tender Feet)
They have a strong advertising base. (AKA = Steering Committee $$$)
Where do they live? NH? MA? VT? NY?
Where is the "RAG" printed? ( refer to above locations )
Consolidation of Assets: ALIASES (multiple papers/media producing the same crap under a different name),
Terrence O'Rourke "Esquire," seems to be the designated Cesspool Diversion Barrier, to spill this "sediment" to the Lower Class Citizenry.
Many on the Council revel at being a part of his "Colonic Tube System."
Mr. O'Rourke "Esquire" is long overdue to rip that "shingle" off his "partition" and find a location more conducive with his skills, and make his stand in the Billable Market.
- Lou Archambault,