ALFRED, Maine - A Rochester, N.H., man has been indicted by a York County grand jury in a South Berwick burglary in August.
Corey Brown, 39, of 6 Royal Crest MHP, Rochester, is charged in a break-in that occurred in South Berwick sometime between Aug. 10 and Aug. 23.
Beside the burglary charge, Brown was formally charged with three counts of theft with a combined value of more than $2,000. The items allegedly stolen were not listed in court documents.
The most serious crimes listed were burglary and a theft charge of more than $1,000 value, both of which are Class C felonies that can draw up five years in state prison each.
The York County grand jury indictments were handed down on Feb. 6 and released on Thursday.
An indictment is not an indication of guilt, only that enough evidence has been gathered to warrant a trial.