TILTON - On Thursday nine officers and members of the Rochester Elks visited the NH Veterans Home in Tilton for a residents Bingo Night.
Making the trip were, Peter Ducharme, Exalted Ruler; Deanna Souza, Esteemed Leading Knight; Keith Brooks, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; Don Chesnel, Esquire; Jerry Skidds, Past Exalted Ruler, Past District Deputy; Mark Guilmett, Past Exalted Ruler and Members Penny Taschereau, Natalie Cliché and Lani Glinnen.
More than 20 residents played bingo for an hour and a half. Bingo games were run by the Rochester members with assistance from the home's staff.
Veterans Home resident Norman Sanborn Sr. and Rochester Elks Member was there to greet the Rochester people upon arrival. Sanborn also presented a certificate of appreciation from the Home Commandant, Kimberly MacKay, to the NH State Elks Association for their continued support of the facility and the residents of the NH Veterans Home.
This was the first time in over 3 years that an outside group was able to participate in bingo games due to Covid restrictions. The residents and our Elks Lodges are very excited about being able to resume these games. Rochester will now travel to the Home to play bingo during the months of May and November. Other Elks lodges will also participate in the bingo nights as well. There will also be a summer cookout and Christmas party this year.
Elks pledge "So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them." The Elks National Veterans Service Commission takes that pledge one step further, and promises service to our nation's veterans and military members, with a special focus on service to those in need.
Thousands of Elks volunteers give generously of their time, energy and resources to serve veterans and military members each day, to ensure that pledge is not an idle one.
For more information about the Elks, please visit www.elks.org