ROCHESTER - On Saturday, at 3 p.m. the Rochester Elks conducted its annual Installation of Officers (2022-2023) in the Lodge Hall. Installing Officer of the day was Scott Welch, Past Exalted Ruler, District Deputy, South and Lodge Trustee. His installing suite included Tom Ducharme, Past Exalted Ruler, Lodge Trustee; James Clark, Past Exalted Ruler, Lodge Trustee; Bonnie Skidds, Past Exalted Ruler, Lodge Trustee; Peter Meyer, Lodge Trustee and Jason Parker, Past Exalted Ruler. Visiting dignitaries included Dennis Dionne, Past Exalted Ruler, Past District Deputy, Past State President and State Elks Association Trustee from the Keene Elks Lodge #927. Accompanying Dennis was his wife Judie, a past President of the Dover Emblem Club and State Past Emblem President.
Installing Officer Welch gave the oath of office to 11 Lodge Officers who were then escorted to their individual stations and presented with their Lodge jewels by other officers on the Installing Suite.
Exalted Ruler Matt Sanborn was then presented with his jewels of office and his gavel of authority by DDGER Welch. ER Sanborn thanked all those who attended, including his wife Beth and family members who were introduced to the gathering. Matt also presented his wife Beth with a bouquet of flowers. In his acceptance speech, Sanborn pledged to uphold the historic traditions and principles of the Rochester Elks. He also recognized all the Past Exalted Rulers in attendance and thanked them for their service to the Lodge. He remarked that Rochester has a tremendous officer corps which he is very proud of and anticipates a great year with this high caliber team.
Outgoing Exalted Ruler Jerry Skidds, Past Exalted Ruler and Past District Deputy also thanked all those in attendance, including his Officers, for a great year just concluded and presented his wife Cindy with a bouquet of roses, in recognition for her support throughout the year. Jerry remarked that no one person can do it all and being successful in the Lodge requires teamwork from all of the officers and committees.
The ceremony concluded around 3:45 p.m. with a pot roast dinner served by Lodge cook Lisa Edgerly around 4 p.m.
The Rochester Elks Lodge #1393 was chartered in 1920 and today has over 960 members on its rolls. The Lodge is involved with programs involving youth activities, veterans, drug awareness, scholarships, donation of grant money to charitable organizations, community involvement, Americanism, youth sporting events and many other programs for the common good. For more information about the Elks, visit
Cutline: Rochester Officers and Past Exalted Rulers pose for a picture after the Installation: l to r, first row, Don Chesnel, Esquire; Jeff Rasmussen, Lecturing Knight; Matthew Sanborn, Exalted Ruler; Peter Ducharme, Leading Knight; Deanna Souza, Loyal Knight; Janice Tagen, Chaplain; Jeanne Bernard, Tiler. Second Row, l to r, Jim Clark, Trustee; Cindy Skidds, Treasurer; Bonnie Skidds, Trustee; Jerry Skidds, outgoing Exalted Ruler; Norman Gervais, Secretary; Harry Tagen, Inner Guard; Tom Ducharme, Trustee and Jason Parker, Past Exalted Ruler. Third Row, l to r, Scott Welch, Trustee, DDGER and Peter Meyer, Trustee.