ROCHESTER - On Friday the Rochester Elks Lodge #1393 celebrated Flag Day by conducting its annual ceremony in the Lodge Hall in Rochester.
Participating in the program were the Rochester Lodge Officers and Officers/Members of the Rochester Emblem Club #40. Exalted Ruler Mark Guilmett opened the ceremonies, followed by Past Exalted Ruler Peter Ducharme presenting the history of the Flags, which were carried by the Emblem Club Officers and Members.
Don Chesnel, Grand Esteemed Lecturing Knight presented the "Response" portion of the program. Rochester Mayor Paul Callaghan was the guest speaker. Light refreshments were served following the ceremony.
Lodge programs include Student Scholarships, Americanism, Veterans Activities, Youth Activities, a Drug Awareness Program and Community Service.
The Elks is located at 295 Columbus Ave.
For more information about the Elks, please visit
Photo Caption: Peter Ducharme, Past Exalted Ruler (at the Podium) presents the History of the American Flag. Seated l to r, Victor Rivera, Esquire; Ken Verhelle, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; Janice Tagen, Chaplain; Mark Guilmett, Exalted Ruler; Don Chesnel, Grand Esteemed Lecturing Knight and Paul Callaghan, Mayor of Rochester. Not visible in the picture are Rhoda Rivera, Esteemed Loyal Knight and Jeff Rasmussen, Esteemed Leading Knight. (Courtesy photo)