ROCHESTER - The Rochester Elks #1393 conducted its annual awards night on March 19.
Exalted Ruler and Past District Deputy, Past Exalted Ruler Jerry Skidds led the presentations, with assistance from Past Exalted Ruler and Lodge Trustee Jim Clark.
Certificates of appreciation were presented to the following Lodge Committee Chairs:
Auditing Committee - Sarah Lofthus, Member.
Investigation Committee - Jeanne Bernard, Past Exalted Ruler and Lodge Tiler.
Home Committee - Jim Clark, Past Exalted Ruler and Lodge Trustee.
ivities Committee - Deanna Souza, Lecturing Knight and Mark Guilmett, Past Exalted Ruler and Lodge Trustee.
Board Of Directors - Scott Welch, Past Exalted Ruler, Lodge Trustee and District Deputy, South.
Jim Clark presented the Grand Exalted Ruler Achievement Award to Exalted Ruler Jerry Skidds for his leadership in regards to the Lodge participating in multiple Grand Lodge programs.
Jerry Skidds presented Outstanding Member Awards to Leading Knight Matt Sanborn and Lecturing Knight Deanna Souza. Jerry Skidds then presented the Exalted Ruler's Achievement Award to Loyal Knight Peter Ducharme.
Three major awards were also presented as follows - Elk of the Year went to Lodge Home Manager Larry Fiato for his outstanding efforts and dedication to Lodge operations for 2021-2022. Citizen of the Year went to Janice Tagen, Lodge Chaplain for her devotion, commitments and volunteer efforts. And Officer of the Year was presented to Don Chesnel for his work within the community as the Lodge Public Relations Chairman.
This event is held in conjunction with the 120 Club party. A delicious ham and roast beef dinner was served to around 150 members and guests before the awards were presented.
Music by local DJ and Lodge Member John Cox followed the awards ceremony.
For more information about the Elks organization, please visit