NEW DURHAM - May 7 was a cold and windy day at the Farmington Fish and Game Club in New Durham, but that did not deter the enthusiasm of the 23 youngsters who showed up with their parents and grandparents to see who could win the prizes for "First Fish" and "Biggest Fish" caught in the Elks Annual Fishing Derby for Kids.
Fishing started at 8 a.m. and concluded at noon with trophies being presented to the lucky winners, complimentary prizes for all and some snacks served to all who attended. Even Spider Man made an appearance!
Over 20 Elks members and officers volunteered to conduct the event, according to Peter Ducharme, Derby Chairman and Lodge Leading Knight. These members also made generous cash and material donations to supplement this annual youth activity. Ducharme said he was very grateful for all the support he received for this program and said he was extremely proud of the effort put forth by all involved.
Winners were as follows - First Fish, Ages 4-6 Zeke Zombeck; Ages 7-8 Lucas Trepanier; Ages 9-10 Colton Lloyd and Ages 11-12 Elise Trepanier. Largest Fish, Ages 4-6 Zeke Zombeck 13''; Ages 7-8 Boyd Partridge 9 1/2"; Ages 9-10 Zack MacNevin 10" and Ages 11-12 Elise Trepanier 9".
The Rochester Elks have been conducting this derby for decades, and it is just one of many events that the Lodge holds for its youth activities program. The Lodge also conducts an annual Hoop Shoot Contest and Soccer Shoot contest which are open to all children in the various age brackets, and a Christmas Party for the children of members.
Rochester Lodge also sends underprivileged kids to the State Elks Major Project, Copper Cannon Summer Camp in Bethlehem. Kids get to spend a week at the camp without any expense. Rochester Lodge also distributes Drug Awareness information to elementary school age children to make them aware of the dangers of illegal drug use.
Rochester Lodge was charted in 1920 and currently has over 930 members. Since inception the Lodge has contributed over $8.7 million dollars in cash and non-cash donations to the Lilac city community.
For more information about the Elks, visit