The Rochester Voice recently sent out questionnaires to all three mayoral candidates regarding their race for the city's highest elective office. We will publish them occasionally in advance of Election Day on Nov. 2. Today is our final instalment from Palana Hunt-Hawkins
Age: 32
Family: Wife, two dogs, 11 chickens.
Occupation: Care Coordinator at the New Hampshire Harm Reduction Coalition. Board Member at NH Women's Foundation & 603 Forward.
Question: Why do you want to be mayor?
Answer: I love Rochester. And Rochester deserves a dynamic facilitator and contagiously positive, responsive forward-facing figure.
Question: What do you think Rochester's biggest challenge is?
Answer: Rochester's biggest challenge is attracting more affordable housing. Our city is growing, and it's growing fast. Working families that have called Rochester home for generations are at risk of displacement. Access to stable housing is good for families, employers, and community health. It also was identified as one of the key strategies to reducing our unsheltered population by the Tri City Mayors Homelessness Task Force in 2017.
Question: What is one specific remedy that could help our foundering downtown?
Answer: We are post-floundering. Our downtown has turned a corner. It's going to take a few more years to see the full effect of what has begun, including more housing in the downtown area, but it's under way.
We will need to continue this energy on Hanson Street and Wakefield Street to create a resilient downtown. We should also continue our dialogue with downtown business owners - the same folks who suggested we add more lighting downtown, helped us pioneer outdoor dining, and other simple, affordable beautification projects.
Question: How would you describe your philosophy of government?
Answer: Municipal governments are responsible for maintaining local infrastructure, managing emergency response, and providing education. We are also responsible for stewardship of our natural resources and setting vision for sustainable development.
Governments should also be transparent. Often times, conversations between meetings and elements of non-public session obscure proper transparency. I would do my best to limit unnecessary conversation in those settings.
Question: What will be your first priority upon assuming office
Answer: My most immediate priorities if elected would be getting to know the new council, assigning committees, and setting vision with our City Manager and council. Forming a committee to examine downtown parking would be a top priority as well.