MILTON - Robert G. Howe, better known to his family and friends as "Rok" or "Rocky", died in his home on March 26, 2021.
He was born and raised in Barrington by both his parents George Henry Howe and Lena (Dupuis) Howe. He would grow up to proudly follow in his father's footsteps and have a successful twenty-six year career at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, as a Mechanical Engineer.
Retiring from the Yard at the young age of 50, he went on to pursue other career opportunities in CAD Design, leading him to follow his dream of working from his home and eventually fully retiring.
He would have celebrated 50 years of marriage with his wife, Gloria J. (Alden) Howe in September, had the Lord not taken him sooner. He left behind two adoring children, Angela and George and three grandchildren, Tanner, Casey and Lorelei, the absolute loves of his life.
He will forever be remembered for his love of everything "Chevy" and his love for his hero, "The Intimidator", Dale Earnhardt, whom he shared an amazing resemblance to, both on and off the road.
He had a saying he always kept in his toolbox, "Old Chevies never die, they just go faster!"
We want you to "Race on, Dad, race on!"