LEBANON - Lebanon Rescue Chief Samantha Cole presented her department’s $95,750 budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1 last night with six of nine Budget Committee members present for the hastily scheduled meeting.
Budget Committee Chair Nancy Neubert said the much-anticipated meeting was a cordial one, with Cole answering questions as best she could.
The Rescue Department has come under increased scrutiny of late due to a Rescue Probe into grievances filed against Cole and her husband, Selectman and Assistant Rescue Chief Jason Cole, alleged by five former volunteers, and for its use of town funds for its insurance costs that are supposed to be paid from the department’s enterprise account.
After a five-month investigation Selectmen Chairman Robert Frizzell found the Coles innocent of any wrongdoing, but conflict of interest questions linger as Selectman Cole voiced his endorsement of Frizzell to retain his selectman’s seat just 10 days prior to the ruling.
Pressed at Tuesday’s selectmen’s meeting on the conflict issue, Cole said he had changed his mind about endorsing Frizzell because of some new candidates who had entered the race. When asked which candidate he was referring to, he ignored the questioner and left the room.
The enterprise account, meanwhile, was set up in 2010 and takes in money from ambulance insurance payments and spends it with selectmen’s approval to operate the department.
However, the insurance costs have been a bone of contention of late, as the insurance provider says it is unable to segregate the cost of the Rescue Department’s premium and therefore has billed the town for all departments and personnel in one lump sum.
The Rescue Department had estimated its insurance costs at a little less than $7,000, according to their fiscal budget of 2013, yet they have made no payment to the town to defray its cost.
Assistant Chief Cole has said the department will pay the cost to the town if a segregated bill can be established.
Neubert said the Budget Committee has recommended that the department offer up the $7,000 as a good faith payment if no bill specific to the Rescue Department can be produced.
Still others, like selectman candidate Robie Marsters feel the $7,000 seems small considering the department’s five vehicles as well as liability coverage for its volunteers.
The town’s overall insurance bill hovers around $100,000 a year.
Other Budget Committee members on hand for the meeting last night included Becky Batchelder, Chris Gilpatrick, Tony Bragg, Paul Nadeau and Bettie Harris-Howard.
Neither of the Coles were available for comment for this story.