LEBANON - The order of ballot questions for tonight’s Public Hearing on the Ballot was still unclear as of last week.
The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the Lebanon Elementary School.
Chief among selectmen concerns was that several questions regarding the Rescue deficit could draw lengthy discussion and bog down the meeting in the early stages.
It should be noted that this is a public hearing, not a town meeting, and that residents have no power to amend or reject any warrant article.
It is designed to give residents a forum to question selectmen on the specifics of the articles and voice their opinions.
Many of the questions are boiler plate but there are several that could draw some heated debate, including (in order of appearance on the ballot):
Referendum 1. Mass Gathering Ordinance. Lebanon’s current Mass Gathering Ordinance was last updated some 30 years ago, and has some archaic wording and outdated policies, which selectmen last year sought to update.
The opposition was led by Just Chevy Trucks and 4X4 Proving Ground owner Kurt Zeller who said it would force him to close his business due to the new stringent requirements on drinking water and port-a-potty availability as well as how much security was necessary if eventgoers consumed liquor on premise. Selectmen countered that much of the same language was in the old policy and Zeller had nothing to fear, that this was to allow enforcement in the event of open disregard for health and safety. Last November voters sided with Zeller and rejected its passage.
Referenda 3, 4 and 5. Rescue Department. Both of these have to do with the old Rescue Department deficit and how the department should be run, always a flashpoint among Lebanon residents. (These are two questions which may be moved to the end of the meeting, sources said last week.)
Referendum 8. New fire truck. Anytime you’re talking $432,000 on a purchase item you’re likely to draw a crowd. This year the Lebanon Fire Department will have to makes its case for a brand new fire truck to replace Engine 1, a 1989 pumper. A seven-year lease payment will lighten the load up front with $62,000 payments to be made annually.
Referendum 13. Buying a backhoe. Roads Commissioner Larry Torno is seeking to have the town buy a $100,000 backhoe that he says - and the numbers seem to bear out – will save the town a lot of money. Right now the town pays by the hour for nearly all the equipment town road crews use in maintenance of the town’s roads. The figures show the hours the backhoe will be used will result in a substantial savings to the town. Still, this one could draw some heated discussion.
Citizen’s Petition. Sunday liquor sales at taverns: A Citizen’s Petition this year will ask voters to decide if they want to allow town taverns to sell liquor on premise on Sunday. They already have the right to sell it on Monday through Saturday.
The full ballot is listed below:
JUNE 10, 2014
REFERENDUM 1: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to adopt the revised Mass Gathering Ordinance. A copy of the ordinance is available from the Town Clerk.
REFERENDUM 2: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to amend the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance. A copy of the ordinance is available from the Town Clerk.
REFERENDUM 3: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to expend the following amounts from departmental budgets for fiscal year 2013-2014 for a total sum of $93,140.00 to pay down the Lebanon Rescue deficit.
Animal Control $225.00
Appeals Board $100.00
Cemeteries $2,000.00
Code Enforcement $150.00
Conservation $200.00
Constable $1,000.00
Contingency $45,000.00
CMP No Spray $12,500.00
Dispatch $2,050.00
EMA $1,000.00
Fire $3,000.00
General Government $4,000.00
Highway $16,000.00
Mapping $2,000.00
Planning Board $300.00
Recreation $115.00
Transfer Station $3,505.00
REFERENDUM 4: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to expend $104,413.00 from FEMA funds to apply towards the Rescue deficit.
REFERENDUM 5: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate a subsidy of $40,000.00 for the Lebanon Rescue Department. Said subsidy to be administered by the Board of Selectmen for operational expenditures.
REFERENDUM 6: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $121,258.00 for the operation, upkeep and purchase of equipment and supplies for the Lebanon Fire Department and the Lebanon Fire Station.
REFERENDUM 7: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 to place in the Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of purchasing equipment for the Lebanon Fire Department. The spending of any funds from the account requires the approval of the Selectmen.
REFERENDUM 8: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate $61,736.00 annually for seven (7) years for a new fire truck and to authorize the Selectmen to enter into the lease-purchase agreement with total cost being $432,152.00 over the term of the lease, with a $1 buyout at the end of the lease for the purpose of replacing Engine 1, a 1989 FMC pumper.
REFERENDUM 9: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,680.00 for the fire hydrants in South Lebanon per contract.
REFERENDUM 10: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,492.00 for the operation of the Emergency Management Agency.
REFERENDUM 11: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $51,165.00 to cover the cost of Emergency Dispatching for the Rescue and Fire Departments through Sanford Dispatch and for radio tower rental.
REFERENDUM 12: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $963,100.00 for summer and winter maintenance and repair of highways, plus State Department of Transportation revenues.
REFERENDUM 13: Shall the Town of Lebanon authorize the Selectmen to enter into a lease agreement for the purchase of a backhoe to be used by the Highway Department, with lease payments of $34,402.58 annually for three years for a total of $103,207.74 over the lease term, with an option to purchase for $1 at the end of the lease term, with payments to be expended from the Highway Budget.
REFERENDUM 14: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $332,288.00 for the operation of the Lebanon Transfer Station.
REFERENDUM 15: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $22,199.00 to fund the No Spray agreement with Central Maine Power.
REFERENDUM 16: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $338,553.00for government expenses for the town office including the Selectmen and Animal Control Officers.
REFERENDUM 17: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to pay the Selectmen $12.00 per hour plus expenses.
REFERENDUM 18: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $36,534.00 for the combined position of Code Enforcement Officer/Health Officer/911 Director, which includes estimated mileage.
REFERENDUM 19: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 for legal fees.
REFERENDUM 20: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $80,000.00 for the contingency fund.
REFERENDUM 21: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $139,436.00 for all insurances for the town.
REFERENDUM 22: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 for General Assistance for residents in need.
REFERENDUM 23: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,698.00 to support the following agencies:
York County Community Action $ 4,005.00
Caring Unlimited $ 1,441.00
So. Maine Agency on Aging $ 2,594.00
York County Shelter Programs, Inc. $ 1,388.00
Southern Maine Parent Awareness $ 100.00
Counseling Services, Inc. $ 2,450.00
Lebanon Senior Lunch Program $ 2,700.00
Kids Free to Grow $ 270.00
Lebanon Community Learning Center $ 500.00
American Red Cross $ 250.00
REFERENDUM 24: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,000.00 for the updating of tax maps.
REFERENDUM 25: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,535.00 for the operation of the Planning Board and for dues to the Southern Maine Regional Planning and Development Commission.
REFERENDUM 26: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for the operation of the Conservation Commission.
REFERENDUM 27: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $300.00 for the operation of the Comprehensive Plan Committee.
REFERENDUM 28: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for the operation of the Appeals Board.
REFERENDUM 29: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,615.00 for the operation of the Martha Sawyer Community Library.
REFERENDUM 30: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,142.00 for the Lebanon Recreation Department.
REFERENDUM 31: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for Summer Recreation Camp.
REFERENDUM 32: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the Memorial Day ceremony and the decoration of Veterans graves as mandated by Maine State Law, 30-A 2901.
REFERENDUM 33: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 for the restoration and maintenance of cemeteries throughout the town as mandated by Maine State Law, 13 MRSA 1101.
REFERENDUM 34: Shall the Town of Lebanon allow the Tax Collector to accept prepayment of taxes prior to the tax commitment date and to charge interest on unpaid taxes at the rate of 7% per annum, and to set the date when taxes are committed for the fiscal year 2014-2015 (July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015) and payable as of October 15, 2014 and April 15, 2015. Said interest to be collected after October 15, 2014 and April 15, 2015.
REFERENDUM 35: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to set an interest rate of 3% as allowed by state law as the rate to be paid back to taxpayers who pay amounts in excess of amounts finally assessed and authorize any such interest paid or abatements granted to be charged against the annual overlay, which is not to exceed 5% of the total assessment as per State Law (MRSA 36, Chapter 105, 1, 506-A).
REFERENDUM 36: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to authorize funding at last year’s (2013-2014) level for the town office and essential services whose new appropriation is not approved by this year’s referendum vote, until such time that any new funding is authorized. (Essential services are: Fire, Codes Enforcement, Animal Control, Transfer Station and Highway Departments)
REFERENDUM 37: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to appropriate all of the monies received from the State for snowmobile registrations to the Lebanon Trail Riders Club for the maintenance of their system or network of snowmobile trails, on the condition that those trails are open in snow season to the public for outdoor recreation purposes at no charge, and to authorize the municipal officers to enter into an agreement with the Club, under such terms and conditions as the municipal officers may deem advisable, for that purpose.
REFERENDUM 38: Shall the Town of Lebanon vote to place any unexpended funds for the prior year into the general fund. The unexpended funds will be used to decrease or eliminate tax anticipation borrowing. Amounts up to 30% of the expended funds may be used to reduce the amount of commitment.
Separate ballot
REFERENDUM 1: Sale of liquor for consumption on the premises on Sunday. Shall this municipality authorize the State to issue licenses for the sale of liquor to be consumed on the premises of licensed establishments on Sunday?