To the Editor;
Hearings for two important bills are coming up and need your attention! These bills affect EVERY town government and everyone's taxes.
1) Repeal the Housing Appeals Board! (HB 1216) - HB 1216 will be heard before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, 1/12/2022 at 2:30 PM in the Legislative Office Building.
Email the committee to ask them to OTP:
Read the bill:
The HAB is a state-level board comprised of 3 unelected, unaccountable, biased individuals who are allowed to defy ANY of your local boards' decisions. This means your town meeting vote means nothing.
2) Stop commuter rail taxes (HB 1432) - Some people think NH needs the old bankrupt MBTA to come here. Most do not. Those north of Manchester will be paying sales, income and other taxes to support something they can't use. Let's stop the commuter rail boondoggle before it creates a tax burden that NH residents will carry for the rest of their lives.
HB 1432 will have a public hearing on 01/13/2022 at 11:00 AM in the LOB 201-203
Read the bill:
Email the Public Works and Highways Committee and ask them to OTP (recommend) the bill pass:
Save the NH Advantage!
- Jane Aitken,
Vice Chair,