To the editor:
Once upon a peaceful time on a Christmas Eve during the Depression when travel by train was a major form of transportation in a large city in our nation, two men got off the train about 50 paces apart. The first was anxious to go to a Christmas Cocktail Party, hurried around a corner as he got off the train. He has tunnel vision and completely ignores knocking down a little crippled boy who sat behind his little stand selling newspapers and candy. All his money and newspapers, candy were all over the place, and the man didn't even look back, he just kept on going to his party.
The second man stopped, picked the boys merchandise and money up, put his stand back together and sat the boy on his stool. He took out his wallet and pulled out a five dollar bill and give it to the boy and said, "Merry Christmas son!" and turned around and proceeded on his way.
The little boy was astounded calling out to him, Mister, "are you Jesus Christ?" The man stopped and turned, saying: "no son, I'm just trying to do what our Lord would do if He were on earth." (Story from the late Tom Anderson Farm Journalist from Pigeon Forge, Tenn., a modern day Will Rogers)
This old story brings the good thoughts of what America used to be about when "Jesus was still the Reason For the Season." Imagine America before airplanes, I-phones and Facebook; without big government intruding into our lives today with the full cooperation of the power hungry Big Tech, Big Pharmaceuticals and the brilliance of the top elite in the medical profession so audaciously represented by the doctor who informed me that: "At 84 years old without the Vaccine you're dead." This shields the true fatality rate of those over 65 the is 6.5 percent
Imagine, just one narrative seems to be parroted as if all minds of healthcare must think the same. The only acceptable line coming straight from Dr. Fauci. This is a sad commentary for such brilliant minds that have achieved the title of doctor after 12 years preparation. Once again the power of morality sees much further than intellect.
In this chaotic time, "Jesus is still the reason for the season." Here I quote from 12/23 Our Daily Bread the Acts of The Apostles the founding times of the New Testament Church: "No one brings people together like Jesus does. He's been doing it from the start. In the first century, Antioch contained 18 different ethnic groups, each living in its own part of the city. When believers first came to Antioch, they spread the word about Jesus "only among Jews" (Acts 11:19). That wasn't God's plan for the church, however. Others soon came who "began to speak to Greeks (gentiles) also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus," and "a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord" (vv. 20-21). People in the city noticed that Jesus was healing centuries of animosity between Jews and Greeks, and they declared this multi-ethnic church should be called "Christians," or "little Christs" (v. 26)."
If God created such a loving gathering of so many ethnic groups and languages to build on the foundation of Jesus in the first century: why should Americans lose faith in his power to heal our nation today? This Christmas God's Word promises nations His power and love to save them from 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." Forget the Cocktail Party and concentrate on "Jesus being the Reason for the Season."
- Russ Payne,