Recall ordinance in mix for November ballot
Harrison Thorp
LEBANON - If Robie Marsters has his way, a question on the November ballot will ask Lebanon residents to approve an ordinance that would allow the recall of elected town officials. Marsters, a two-time candidate for town selectman, said the ordinance is the product of several months of work and is modeled after similar ordinances around the state. In part, the ordinance states it is intended to be used when “an elected official, acting as such, has caused loss of confidence in the official’s ethics or ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the office.” Marsters stated the ordinance isn’t meant to be a threat to elected town officials, just a tool for better government. “This isn’t looking to chop off any heads,” he said on Sunday, “just show them they have something over their heads. It holds them to a higher standard.” The ordinance is modeled chiefly after an ordinance from Old Orchard Beach, where voters flexed their recall muscle in June removing six of seven councilors from the town board. Once a recall vote is set a simple majority of voters is required for an ouster to take effect. Marsters said he has had the document reviewed by a lawyer and a member of the state Legislature who agree it passed legal and legislative muster. Both he and Lebanon resident Eric Neubert are in possession of the petitions, which need 191 signatures by Sept. 13 for the ordinance to be placed on the November ballot. Anybody who wants a copy of the ordinance can get one by contacting Marsters at