CONCORD, N.H. - Moments after Project Veritas Action Fund President James O'Keefe turned over to Gov. Maggie Hassan raw footage from three videos PVA distributed in February regarding voter fraud and Federal Election Commission violations associated with the Bernie Sanders campaign he was served with a subpoena ordering him to turn over the same material to the state's Attorney General's Office.
According to a press release earlier in the day, PVA had been ordered by the Attorney General's office to turn the raw footage over earlier so they could begin an investigation into the accusations.
The spat between O'Keefe and the AG's office is over whether they plan to go after poll workers depicted in the secret videos as helping out-of-staters claim bogus state addresses so they could vote in the New Hampshire primary or O'Keefe, himself.
The Feb. 10 video was well-viewed, especially in the Granite State.
In a letter dated Feb. 17, New Hampshire Assistant Attorney General Stephen LaBonte sent Project Veritas a formal notice to preserve evidence because of an ongoing investigation, threatening criminal prosecution for non-compliance with his demands, according to a press released from PVA on Thursday.
Two more videos followed, one about Sanders staffers allegedly using their campaign office as an address to vote; and another about Australian Labor Party activists allegedly assisting the Sanders campaign.
Both releases drew similar letters from the AG's office.
As he left the chambers of the governor's secretary, investigator Richard Tracy of the AG's office met him in the hall and served him with the subpoena.
According to O'Keefe, the subpoena ordered him to disclose the unedited footage - in fact, what he'd just given the governor - before a Hillsborough County grand jury in April, or to otherwise release the records to an investigator.
Asked by O'Keefe if the AG was subpoenaing poll-workers in the videos who appear to be helping out-of-staters to vote in the primary, Tracy said, "That may happen."
All of the videos can be viewed on You Tube key words Project Veritas.