ALFRED, Maine - Maine Drug Enforcement says a couple from Lyman have been arrested in connection with a large cocaine selling operation in York County. g agents seized a substantial amount of cocaine and over $29,000 in cash.
Under arrest is 50-year-old Lisa Sullivan and 53-year-old Buck Papapetrou, both from 63 John Street in Lyman. The couple was arrested by drug agents and State Police on the Maine Turnpike Thursday evening. Both are at the York County Jail charged with aggravated trafficking of cocaine with bail set at $25,000.
MDEA Agents have been investigating the couple for the past two months and determined they frequently drove to Massachusetts to pick up cocaine and return to their home to sell it.
On Thursday, drug agents spotted the pair heading south on the turnpike and were waiting for them at the Maine border when they returned in the afternoon. Found on them were 313 grams of cocaine and $8,358 in suspected drug proceeds. Drug agents and troopers then searched their home in Lyman, finding another two grams of the drug, $20,872 in cash, anabolic steroids and two guns. The street value of the seized cocaine is $31,000.