ROCHESTER - A Rochester Police Officer was injured during a scuffle with a man being taken into custody in the police station's lobby late Thursday night.
The officer, whose name was not given, suffered what appears to be an elbow sprain, Rochester Police Capt. Jason Thomas said today.
The incident began to unfold around 8 p.m. when Brian Wilson, 33, of Rochester, came into the lobby seeking help getting some property from an individual who had a restraining order against him.
When he found no officer was immediately available to assist him, he left.
Dispatchers then pulled up his record and saw he had several arrest warrants against him, including two counts of stalking and one for violation of bail conditions.
When Wilson returned to the police station around 11:50 p.m. an officer met him in the lobby only to inform him he had active warrants against him.
As the officer began to take him into custody, Wilson resisted arrest prompting several officers to take him to the floor to gain control. While on the floor Wilson punched a hole in a lobby wall.
Wilson was ultimately taken into custody and faces an arraignment today.
Charges associated with the fracas inside the police station lobby include simple assault, three resisting arrest counts and criminal mischief.
He was also held on a bench warrant stemming from a separate assault and two stalking charges.