The Frisbie Memorial Hospital Auxiliary held its 28th Annual "Lights of Love" ceremony on Wednesday at the Community Education & Conference Center. It was a full house once again - standing room only. This year, the program was recorded by Metrocast Channel 12, for home viewing.
Jane Cooper Fall, the Chair for "Lights of Love" and Frisbie Auxilian, describes this annual event, "This is one of Rochester's great holiday traditions where people gather for a special time of remembrance by honoring their loved one in a unique and heart-warming way. Each 'Love Light' on the tree represents a donor's loved one."
The program included Dr. Robert Rubino's all male choir singing traditional Christmas carols, the Tree Lighting and refreshments. Jane Fall went on to share that it is with honor and respect that this year's Lights of Love STAR was placed on the roof-top holiday tree in memory of James W. Foley, a photojournalist beheaded by ISIS militants earlier this year.
Strands of lights were placed on the Lights of Love Tree on the front lawn of the Frisbie Conference Center in memory of former hospital volunteers, Jackie Anctil, Carol Brown, Florence Morrison, Jeanette Shaw and former Auxilian, June Tilton. Love Lights were also placed in memory of former Frisbie Staff "Santa", Jerry O'Neil, Dr. John DiNella and former caroler for the Lights of Love program, Robert Hess.
The program this year raised $7,900 for the Auxiliary which helps to fund Frisbie patient care services, medical equipment, the Annual Healthcare Scholarship Fund and holiday décor throughout the hospital.