Palace coup ... or Democracy in action

Harrison Thorp 8:42 a.m.

Palace coup ... or Democracy in action

From left, Strafford District 6 rep Cliff Newton, likely Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris and Strafford County Commission Chair George Maglaras (Courtesy photos)

Democrat and Republican leaders in Rochester and Strafford County on Monday said Vice President Kamala Harris had a leg up on any other potential contenders for presidential nominee, and reports from the Associated Press and other news outlets today suggest she's likely clinched it without ever campaigning or getting a single vote.

"I I think we might have a brokered convention, but Harris has a jump on it for sure," said Strafford County Commission Chair George Maglaras, D-Dover.

Vice President Harris is said to have the necessary delegates to win on the first vote when Democrats plan a virtual vote prior to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month.

Matt Albion, the Dover Republican Committee Interim Chair, echoed Maglaras' comments.

"I think an open convention could energize Democrats in general, but I believe enough delegates will get behind Kamala to make it a moot point," Albion said.

While the transition of the Democrat nominee seems to have gone swiftly and seamlessly from President Joe Biden to Harris. Albion says the process has been anything but democratic.

"The way they're doing this is very disgraceful, not very democratic for the Democrats," Albion quipped. "I guess all those people who voted for Biden, their vote means nothing."

Strafford District 6 state rep Cliff Newton said he was "disgusted how Democrats did this."

"All those lies by them and the media saying President Biden was in good shape, it makes me wonder what was their real plan," he said. "And why have the debate so early? Were they plotting to get him out? It's completely dishonest."

Harris will give her first campaign speech in battleground state Wisconsin later today.